Call of the Lonesome Quarkboy is 100% pure-unadulterated-yodeled voice distilled though compact Eurorack modulars and one over-sized Telefunken Magnetophon. The piece would like to serve as a reminder that be it in the past or in the future, on the macro or on the quantum scale, life will always be a search for something, be it farm animals or forlorn love. And nothing calls like the modular yodel.
Call of the Lonesome Quarkboy was written for the Yodel – EA – OH! NAISA webcast out of Toronto and Montreal on the 3rd of May 2014. And has since been performed (in a new version) at the Sound Kabin in Huddersfield, UK, at Elektronlördag in Gävle, and at the Kontakt 2015 festival in Norrköping's Museum of Art. |