Sut-Khol Dream

Album 2025

Spotify Apple Music YouTube Bandcamp ArtCore

available on most other digital platforms

Sut-Khol Dream is an instrumental song about reaching. Reaching into the distance, into the future… For the past. Recorded live with a hurdy-gurdy and four delay lines, it is semi-improvised and demi-ambient and fully realised.

Sut-Khol is a lake in the Republic of Tuva in Russia. You can see it in the photograph I took from the summit of a mountain in Kyzyl Taiga in the summer of 2001.

Special thanks to Michael Grunditz and Martin Gumucio.

Recorded live on the shore of Lake Ekoln, Uppsala in 2023.

1 Sut-Khol Dream 29'00''

Nature Always Wins

released 4 April 2024

performed, engineered and produced by Girilal Baars

phoot and cover by Girilal Baars

